Convergent Lighting Intelligence
Open standard and interoperable lighting
control and automaton
Ask for a Democontrol and automaton
Runs Natively on Niagara Software
To turn it into a smart IoT Convergent
DALI based lighting solution
Ask for a DemoDALI based lighting solution
Custom built User Interface
And flexibility to use existing factory
or office layouts for better visualization
Ask for a Demoor office layouts for better visualization
Convergent Lighting Intelligence
Open standard and interoperable lighting
control and automaton
Ask for a Democontrol and automaton
Runs Natively on Niagara
To turn it into a smart IoT Convergent
DALI based lighting solution
Ask for a DemoDALI based lighting solution
Customized User Interface
and flexibility to use existing factory
or office layouts for better visualization
Ask for a Demoor office layouts for better visualization
The Convergent Lighting and Building Automation Technology Company

We make lighting automation solution providers more efficient and smarter, by providing an easy to integrate, open standard framework to seamlessly integrate with, and to make building management systems more scalable, flexible, and unified.
Niagara Software Certified Partner
Certified systems Integration and Developer Niagara Partner, for IoT lighting controls and automation for DALI® intelligent addressable light fixtures
Google BOS Compliant LCS
elitedali has been approved by the Google Device Qualification process and it is now available for use on a JACE8000 v4.7 on Google projects globally
Global Presence & Adoption
70+ global distributors and partners, elitedali range of products are distributed and commissioned by Certified elitedali™ Partners
Lighting Control Technologies
Works with leading Lighting Control Technologies like DALI and Analog Dimming Luminaries.
Open Standard IOT Platform
Open standards and interoperable lighting control that allows sharing information with each other making Building Automation more Intelligent
Interoperable and Vendor Agnostic
Highly flexible, scalable and vendor-independent lighting automation solutions. elitedali is interoperable and provides seamless access to data
Years of Experience
Global Partners
DALI devices managed
Sqft of Projects Globally
Smart and Connected Lighting
An IOT based automated lighting controls, leveraging latest technologies to enable you to make the most of your investments into lighting systems
- Reduce costs of lighting operations and management
- Energy optimization or savings of upto 60% to 70%
- Minimize risks to production schedule with reduced shut down time
- Boost working conditions and employee morale with proper light levels
- Meaningful insights and analytics for efficient data driven decisions
Niagara System Integrators
Deploy scalable, efficient, and revolutionary DALI-powered systems and controllers to your customers
Embed smart, IoT convergent lighting controls in your equipment to create enhanced DALI light fixtures
Niagara Development Partners
Take your applications on Niagara Framework to the next level with convergent lighting controls and automation technology
Non-Niagara System Integrators
Leverage Niagara Framework for building a host of open standard control and monitoring & lighting automation products
Design, develop, and deliver complete light fixtures powered with DALI control systems and automation
Leverage upselling opportunities by integrating DALI powered lighting automation to your lighting fixtures collection
Engineers &
Employ flexibility and open-standard architecture to your building plans and turn your vision into reality
Building Owners & Facility Managers
Consolidate all control, management, & maintenance systems into a vendor independent, integrated system
The complete solution for integrated lighting automation and control systems
- Customised Web Interfaces as per your existing layouts
- Inbuilt WebServer for hosting LMS web interfaces
- Easy to integrate with other BMS (Non-Niagara based as well)
- Wide choice for selection of local override switches
- Support from qualified DALI experts for product, design & support
- Flexibility to use Multi Sensors input devices with elitedali LMS
- Can use single sensor for presence/ absence detection or LUX measurements
- Wide choice and flexibility for optimized control strategies
- Detailed Approach - DALI LMS design, commissioning, & post sales
Deliver solutions and applications that not only delivers superior business value, but also better conditions for work and living
Connected Lighting
Smart Lighting for today’s smart buildings
Communicate with other devices, share data across, & interoperable, leveraging IoT to deliver CONVERGENT lighting solutions
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Dynamic Day Light
Offset artificial light requirements & costs
Use available day light to offset artificial lighting needed to properly light spaces. Reduce energy, maintain optimal light levels
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Human Centric
Lighting systems, that not only dim!
CTT or Kelvin change for improved circadian rhythms, mood preference, visual acuity, performance and energy savings for sustainability
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